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Enhanced performance


Angular projects Delivered


Reduced development time


Client satisfaction rate

Angular Solutions that Transform Your Web Presence

Angular is our team’s go-to framework for combining modern architectural approaches to handle complex web application requirements. We have the skillset to utilize the framework for building web apps that are scalable, secure, and versatile.

Get technical and market-readiness validity from our Angular experts and develop a strategy that would leverage the platform to its full potential.

When you hire Angular programmers from us, you get a a team that is highly skilled in creating custom plugins and modules that extend your app's functionality and performance.

Our dedicated Angular developers are globally trusted to build web applications that are fast, interactive, and user-friendly.

Our Angular developers utilize the framework’s capabilities to create robust progressive web apps built on the powers of offline support, push notifications, and fast loading times.

The Angular developers at Simublade specialize in creating SPAs at the back of the platform's MVC architecture - a powerful, complex system known to build dynamic Uls.

Hire Angular developers from our team to get a team that is well-versed in the framework’s core features that build immersive frontend apps and integrate them with backend technologies.

Update your Angular application to its latest software edition to take advantage of the framework's latest functionalities while maintaining optimal industry-grade security.

Hire dedicated Angular developers to test individual software components, services, directives, and other parts of the Angular web and mobile solutions. Parts that make an efficient software.

Our Angular programmers specialize in migrating your apps to the frameowrk to guarantee improved performance and scalability - a necessity for feature-rich user experience.
Hire Angular experts

Ready to build scalability and flexibility-focused web apps?


The Technology arsenal of our Angular developers

Harnessing advanced tools to drive high-performance development, our Angular programmers create dynamic, scalable, and responsive web applications.

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Flexible hiring models to suit your Angular needs

Choose the hiring model that best fits your project requirements and business goals. Our flexible options ensure you get the right talent and management approach for your Angular project.

Dedicated Team Model

Get exclusive access to a dedicated team and project manager focused solely on your project. This allows you to concentrate on core business activities while we handle the development process.

Client-Coordinated Team

Simublade's Angular experts will seamlessly integrate with your in-house team or work closely with your project managers, ensuring smooth collaboration & efficient project execution.

Hybrid Approach

When you hire Angular programmers from Simublade, you benefit from the best of both worlds - deploying teams both on-site and at our offshore development centre. This model combines local presence with global expertise to keep you competitive.

Key interview questions to hire Angular developers

Hiring the right Angular developer can be challenging. To help you find the perfect fit, we've compiled a list of essential interview questions. These questions are designed to ensure that you select the best candidate for your project. 

Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. AngularJS is the original version of Angular, using JavaScript, while Angular (versions 2 and beyond) uses TypeScript and offers better performance and more features.

Angular components are the building blocks of the application’s UI. Each component consists of an HTML template, a CSS stylesheet, and a TypeScript class that defines its behavior. Components are used to create, manage, and control views in an Angular application.

Angular supports two-way data binding, which allows automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view. This is achieved using the `ngModel` directive. Angular also supports one-way data binding, where data flows from the component to the view or vice versa.

Angular services are singleton objects that provide specific functionality and can be shared across components. They are typically used for tasks such as data fetching, logging, or business logic. Services are injected into components using Angular's dependency injection system.

Angular's Router module is used to navigate between different views or components. Routes are defined in a configuration object, mapping URLs to components. The router uses this configuration to dynamically load and display the appropriate component based on the current URL.

Angular provides two approaches to handle forms: template-driven and reactive forms. Template-driven forms rely on directives in the template, while reactive forms are more flexible and use a component-driven approach to manage form controls and validation.

Angular's change detection mechanism tracks changes in the application state and updates the view accordingly. It uses a tree of change detectors to check for changes in component properties and re-renders the view when changes are detected. This process ensures the UI stays in sync with the underlying data.

Performance optimization in Angular can be achieved through various strategies, such as lazy loading modules, using `OnPush` change detection strategy, minimizing the use of third-party libraries, optimizing template expressions, and leveraging Angular's built-in tools like AOT compilation and the Angular CLI.
4-steps journey to hire Angular programmers

Stage 1

Initiate Your Journey

Submit your project details and requirements. We'll review your inquiry and get back to you promptly.

Stage 2

Brainstorm with our experts

Engage in a detailed discussion with our experienced specialists. We'll understand your needs and provide tailored solutions and recommendations.

Stage 3

Pick Your Perfect Fit

Choose the hiring model that best aligns with your project goals and budget. We offer flexible options to meet your specific needs.

Stage 4

Launch the Partnership

Finalize the hire angular developers agreement and kick off the project. Our team will start working on bringing your vision to life immediately.


Ready to bring expert Angular developers into your team?