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Discovery workshop session that solidifies your vision

Innovation is the key to success but does your idea to innovate resonate with your users’ needs? And is the market ready for your solution? We help you find answers to these questions.

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Innovation is the key to success but does your idea to innovate resonate with your users’ needs? And is the market ready for your solution? We help you find answers to these questions.

Our discovery
workshop services


Facing the challenge of aligning stakeholders with your vision? Our service helps you create clear, value-driven documents that articulate

Structural clarity

Worried about the right technology? We build architectural strategies and tech stacks, helping you make informed decisions and spot risks early

Technical assessment

Facing tech barriers? We identify obstacles and craft tailored solutions to meet your business goals, ensuring smooth project progression

Functional prototypes

Need to visualize your ideas? Our prototyping service offers interactive visuals, helping refine concepts and engage users.


Concerned about software integration? We provide guidance on strategies to ensure seamless functionality and compatibility.

Project estimation

Concerned about cost overruns? Our budgeting focus offers transparent cost analyses and technical descriptions to manage finances effectively.

Facing the challenge of aligning stakeholders with your vision? Our service helps you create clear, value-driven documents that articulate

Worried about the right technology? We build architectural strategies and tech stacks, helping you make informed decisions and spot risks early

Facing tech barriers? We identify obstacles and craft tailored solutions to meet your business goals, ensuring smooth project progression

Need to visualize your ideas? Our prototyping service offers interactive visuals, helping refine concepts and engage users.

Concerned about software integration? We provide guidance on strategies to ensure seamless functionality and compatibility.

Concerned about cost overruns? Our budgeting focus offers transparent cost analyses and technical descriptions to manage finances effectively.

Turn the 'What ifs' into 'What's next'

Spot Opportunities
Clarify Your Vision
Navigate Your Market
Overcome Obstacles
Clear Budget Allocation

Scoping sessions process that help you identify risks and plan business

Whether you are building a new digital product or improving your existing solution, our discovery session is the place to start. We help you be assured of your digital product’s market and technical viability much before the design and development process.

Goals setting

We begin with having a clear understanding of your short and long-term goals, aligning our design and development efforts to meet these objectives.

Cost & timelines planning

In the final phase, we fix resources, timelines, and budgets, and outline technological strategies, providing you with clear expectations for the project's execution phase.

Target market study

We analyze your target users to determine their problems, satisfaction levels, and motivations. This insight guides the core functionalities and enhancements of your digital product.

Tech stack & API validation

With features set now defined, we select appropriate technologies and APIs to ensure seamless functionality, helping us determine the best toolset for project execution.

Project ideation

In this phase, we collaborate to identify market opportunities your product can address, utilizing extensive research to craft a vision that considers competition and market trends.

Priority-based features finalization

At Simublade, we help you prioritize features to distinguish between MVP and phase two functionalities, which directly impacts budgets and timelines.

UIUX Planning

We scrutinize your idea to develop a moodboard that sets the visual and emotional tone for the user journey - from initial interaction to conversion - culminating in a cohesive design system and wireframe.

Goals setting

We analyze your target users to determine their problems, satisfaction levels, and motivations. This insight guides the core functionalities and enhancements of your digital product.

Target market study

We spend time understanding your target user base - what problems are they facing, how are they solving the problem right now (and how satisfied they are with it), and what would motivate them to buy or even download your digital product? Answers to these help us with fixing the core functionalities and all the good-to-have aspects.

Project ideation

This is the stage where all the USPs are brought to the surface. Our team of business analysts works with you to list out the untapped market opportunities that your product can address. This is when maximum research happens and a vision board is built around your competition, core offerings, and market trends in general.

Priority-based features finalization

At Simublade, we make a comprehensive list of every little feature and their prerequisite to then plan and execute based on their priority. This priority division gives us - our team and yours - a distinction in MVP and phase two features, which then plays a direct role on budgets and timelines.

UI/UX planning

We analyze your idea under the design - interface and experience - microscope to create a moodboard of how the product would look, the emotions it would evoke, and how it would take your users on the journey of transforming from browsers to buyers. The focus here is to build a design system to formulate an idea and then a wireframe to connect the dots.

Tech stack and API validation

With the features now finalized, we align them with technologies and APIs - things that would make the features work seamlessly for your users. This part of the project scope gives us clarity on what would drive your software, while helping us with the allocation of the best taskforce for your project.

Cost and timelines planning

Post initial level plannings and features, tech finalization, the last leg of our workshop session starts. It is where we fix the efforts - resources, timelines, and budget; take technological decisions, and plan out the details to take your application to its execution stage. This phase is designed to give you a complete clarity on what to expect with our partnership.

The three-phase
discovery workshop

Our UX discovery workshop sets up the foundation of your digital product, identifies risks, and creates a roadmap of milestone completion.

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  • Detailed roadmap delivery
  • Feedback collection mechanism
  • Outcome review and iteration
  • In-depth business analysis
  • Extensive brainstorming
  • Project plan creation
  • Initial project understanding
  • Workshop preparation guidance
  • Preliminary research

Tools that streamline the
scope of the project

The success of a discovery workshop session lies in the right combination of tools, strategies, and market research. At Simublade, we use the best tools and techniques that ensure your discovery workshop results in a profitable outcome.

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Discover how we build
revolutionary products

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Unlock your product's potential with real customer feedback in just 1 Month

Got questions?

We've got answers.

What is the purpose of the discovery workshop?
A discovery workshop session helps businesses achieve multiple goals -
  • Better understanding of the digital solution
  • Accurate project scope definition
  • Clarity on project timeline and milestones
  • Coordination between design, development team and clients
  • Time and money saving with MVP development
What are some key outcomes of discovery meetings?
The result of discovery meetings can often be seen in documents and clarity around - user persona, detailed market analysis, project roadmap, milestone planning, and project goals.
How should I prepare for the discovery workshop?
There are a number of things entrepreneurs can prepare or collate beforehand before the discovery workshop is initiated. Here are a few of them -
  • Clear objectives
  • Questions and concerns
  • Basic technological understanding
  • Preliminary research
How long does a discovery workshop take?
The duration would depend entirely on the complexity of the idea, however, it typically takes somewhere between 4 to 5 weeks to complete a discovery workshop session.


Ready to turn
your vision into

The journey starts here. We're excited
to meet you.